I am now officially a Trumpian. No one is more surprised than I. I am a self described moderate. While I grew up aspiring to be Nick Charles, the quintessential New Yorker, five years in the Big Apple left me with Neal Simon's prescient political incorrectness, "New York isn't Mecca. It only smells like it." No one ever retired to the North. I hate reality TV. Sporty cap or hat, yes...comb over, never.
So how did this loud, boorish, ridiculously coiffed snake oil salesman win me over? Well he didn't. Newt Ginrich did. Now, Newt and I are kindred spirits. Newt, though born in Gettysburg PA , went to high school and college in Georgia and has become an accomplished southern gentleman. Newt is probably the most scholarly Speaker of the House ever, an academic with decades of real world experience. Newt was a history professor before becoming in 1994 the first Republican Speaker of the House in 40 years. Despite of his dislike for President Clinton, he pushed through the Contract with America, a legislative agenda that was a win-win for both sides of the aisle. Since leaving the Congress, he has published several historical tomes, both fiction and non-fiction.
I Just saw Newt Ginrich on Fox News He stopped just short of endorsing Trump, but said three interesting things. One. Trump had his first Time Magazine cover in 1989. Only Hillary has been on the world stage longer. Two. His larger than life personality is exactly what is needed to off set the Islamic crazies and KGB trained Vladmir Putin.
But most interesting was "He knows what he doesn't know and he knows how to hire the best people." Newt told the story about how Trump took over the Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park after the City of New York flailed around for six years trying to upgrade the rink. Trump said, "I don't know anything about ice rinks, but you know who does? Canadians!" So he hired the Number One rink firm in Canada and had the Wollman rink up and running in six months.