“The Chicago New Party is increasely (sic) becoming a viable political organization that can make a different in Chicago politics….the NP's '96 Political Program has been enormously successful with 3 of 4 endorsed candidates winning electoral primaries. All four candidates attended the NP membership meeting on April 11th to express their gratitude. Danny Davis, winner in the 7th Congressional District, invited NPers to join his Campaign Steering Committee. Patricia Martin, who won the race for Judge in 7th Subcircuit Court, explained that due to the NP she was able to network and get experienced advice from progressives like Davis. Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, encouraged NPers to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration. “
Should any of you doubt that the DSA’s true socialist roots, see their website, which includes this statement:
“We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources,…”
We hope and pray that the American press will wake up prior to November 4th and seriously investigate these allegations before our worst fears are realized, that Obama IS a modern day Manchurian Candidate, a dedicated socialist that has been slickly marketed by older, experienced Marxists, both here in the US and abroad. No amount of candy coating is going to make palatable this radical, leftist candidate, who represents the most serious threat to the traditional American way of life in our experience.
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