Monday, October 27, 2008


We, like may in the mainstream video, thought a bit too much was made of Barack Obama’s verbal misstep when he responded to “Joe, the Plumber” that things work better when we redistribute the wealth, that it was just an unfortunate turn of phrase. However, this morning a 2001 radio interview with Obama has surfaced. The program, entitled “Slavery and the Constitution”, included some shocking comments by sometimes constitutional law lecturer Obama.

Most of the conservative pundits have seized on the repeated concept of redistributing wealth as anti-capitalism, maybe downright socialist. In the 2001 interview Obama stated that, “"The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.” This comment is important for two reasons. First, it proves that Obama’s comment to Joe the Plumber was no mere slip of the tongue. Secondly, it indicates a dedication to a “share the wealth” philosophy that goes beyond the simple progressive income tax.

However, this was not the comment that startled us. Anyone that doubts that Obama is a big spending liberal at best, if not a for real Marxist, has had an extra helping of Kool-Aid. This reputed expert on the US Constitution said it was a tragedy that the US Supreme Court, “didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution.” We interpret that statement to mean that a President Obama, backed by a Democrat dominated Congress, would try to legislate changes not intended by the Constitution. Now that’s change you can’t believe.

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