Friday, October 17, 2008


As the scandal around the group, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), unfolds we got what they call in the military a BGO (Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious). Maybe, just maybe, all this hype, about how amazing an organization the Obama campaign is, is an elaborate hoax, some sleight of hand party trick to make us see what isn’t there. Watch us closely, ladies and gentlemen, for the political spin is quicker than the eye.

The Washington Post reports that there have been about 4 million new voters registered in a dozen key states during the past year. ACORN claims to have registered 1.3 million of these. Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, estimates that 200,000 Ohio voter registrations, that’s one third of all new registrations in Ohio, are suspect. We do believe that only a few of these phony registrants will actually show up at the polls. If this premise is accurate, pundits may be red faced to find on November 4th that the expected tsunami of new voters to be just a trickle.

Another smoke and mirrors aspect of this campaign is in the polls. The consensus among campaign watchers is that the Obama organization has no peer in its ability to use technology to support its goals. The campaign has unleashed a horde of cyber robots to manipulate popular internet sites. Like virtual army ants, they crawl all over FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, and the comment sections of prominent blogs. We have no reason to believe that they have not been equally as successful in the usurping of the polling process.

It is important to remember that Obama’s initial election to public office was through his knowledge of the voter registration process. He was able to defeat his opponents, not by the votes of American citizens, but by removing them from the ballot through legal manipulation. We wonder if Hillary Clinton might have been more successful if ACORN’s activites had come to light earlier.

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