Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The catalysts for this blog are many:
  • We are frustrated with the polarization of American society…Right wing talk radio and MSNBC mindless liberalism, elitist media and gangster culture, unbridled greed and crushing poverty, etc.
  • We can find no OBJECTIVE source for news and analysis…Journalism has been replaced with talking heads reading the opposing sides’ talking points
  • We are dismayed that political correctness has replaced logic and fairness.
  • We believe that the answer to the universal question, “Why are we here” is TO LEAVE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE FOR THOSE WHO FOLLOW.
Every legitimate opinion relies on a credible foundation. Here is ours:
  • A blue collar, middle America upbringing
  • A degree in Political Science with minors in Sociology and Journalism.
  • A career in government that includes positions as a Congressional Liaison, a Refugee Specialist, a Military Planner, and Government Operations Consultant
  • Three decades living in New York, San Francisco, and Washington, DC
  • A lifetime advocacy of the rights of the disadvantaged, minorities, and women. Equality not entitlement.
We do have a political identity. We are libertarian, with a small “l”. We don’t want government, or our neighbors, in our bank account or bedroom. We do have a social identity. We are unabashedly middle America. We do have a religious affiliation. And that is our business. We do have an opinion on just about everything. We subscribe to the principle, “Keep and open mind, but don’t let your brains fall out.”

We hope you read our posts and share your opinions for we grudgingly recognize our European antecedents, specifically the Frenchman, François-Marie Arouet, who wrote under the nom de plume Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it .”

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