Friday, October 31, 2008


A guest pundit on Fox News recently likened the rationale used by Barack Obama’s supporters to explain his continued association with an army of unsavory characters to a “Jedi Mind Trick”. For you who are not fluent in Star Wars terminology the Jedi mind trick is a ruse used to convince the weak minded to ignore the facts and accept the Jedi version of reality. For many of us it is the only possible explanation of a nation’s rush to elect the least qualified President in US history, a man whose past is largely a mystery, a man who counts among his associations a spokesperson of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from its terrorist years, a former domestic terrorist who escaped, on a technicality, conviction for bombing a police station and the Pentagon, and a hate mongering pastor whose congregation danced in the aisles while he chanted “God damn America”.

In the past few days we have had revelation after revelation, peeks under the candidate’s mask, giving us a glimpse of the real man.
  • Obama tells “Joe The Plumber” things are better when, “…we spread the wealth around.”
  • Tape of Obama telling public radio the civil rights movement had not gone far enough because, “The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.”
  • The admission of the existence of a video tape of Obama at a party honoring the aforementioned PLO spokesperson, attended by the aforementioned domestic terrorist, at which anti-Israeli remarks went unchallenged by Obama.
Two nights ago, comedian Dennis Miller put Obama’s relationship with radical pastor Jerimiah Wright in perspective. He said that his moment of disenchantment came when Obama stated that he went to church twice a month on average. You mean that he sat in the pew listening to Reverend Wright, twice a month for 20 years, listened to nearly 500 sermons, yet claimed he never heard was aware of Wright’s animosity toward whites, the American government, and the state of Israel? Either he is the dumbest man ever to run for US President or he is the most accomplished liar to ever run.

Yesterday evening Sean Hannity reported that Obama associate William Ayers published a terrorist manifesto in 1974 which he dedicated to “political prisoners”, including in the dedication Robert Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan. How much more do American voters need before they wake up from this electoral stupor. How much longer will they accept O-B-One-Obama saying, “You never read those words Barack wrote. You never heard Barack say those things. You never saw photos and video showing Barack with those people. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” The force be with you. You’re gonna need it.

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