We are conservative and we don’t like George W. Bush. Now that may see a paradox to you. Perhaps because so many people who don’t like the younger Bush are supporting Barack Obama in a mass exhibition of biting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. However, we are conservative, no, not one of those people who want to force their political and religious beliefs on others, but truly conservative. We don’t want to force our beliefs on others and in return we ask that they and their government stay out of our bedroom and out of our bank account. President Bush has transgressed on both. He has raided our purse. In the first nine months of his administration the S&P lost 40 percent of it’s value and we lost 40 percent of our savings. He has invaded our privacy. He and his henchmen at Homeland Security have limited our freedom while claiming to protect us from terrorists.
However, as much as we dislike George W. Bush, we know which of the candidates is likely to be more damaging to our personal finances and liberties. We cannot understand, therefore, why two major constituencies, one traditionally Republican, one traditionally Democratic, are supporting Barack Obama. Why are Roman Catholic and Jewish voters leaning toward Obama? Obama’s
extreme position on the issue of abortion frightens even most Pro Choice voters. Whatever you have read, it is a matter of record that he enabled physicians in causing the death of babies that survived near term abortions. Some call it murder. Some call it infanticide. Call whatever you like, it won’t make such a monstrous act acceptable. How can any Roman Catholic cast a ballot for such a man?
For over 20 years, Oba

ma has associated with people who have sought the destruction of Israel. He may claim his eternal allegiance to the Jewish state, but his history fails to reassure us. Chief among these associations is Rashid Khalidi, whom Obama has known for over 25 years. Khalidi, a Palestinian with reputed ties to a PLO terrorist past, is a well known a professor at Columbia Univesity and an expert on Israeli-Palestinian matters. While there are no copies of Khalidi’s PLO membership card, his writings leave do doubt of his opinion of Israel. He has
stated that Palestinians have a right to kill Israeli soldiers. Obama has repeatedly stated that Khalidi has had a influence on his beliefs. At minimum Obama has been inconsistent in his statements in support of Israel. If you are Jewish, do you take him at his word and ignore his associations and his previous statements? We think not.
When you cast your vote next Tuesday, ask yourself, “Do I trust Obama to protect the lives of those unfortunate children and those Israeli citizens?” We don’t.
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